Pick Your Poison: How Our Mad Dash to Chemical Utopia is Making Lab Rats of Us All

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Pick Your Poison: How Our Mad Dash to Chemical Utopia is Making Lab Rats of Us All

Pick Your Poison: How Our Mad Dash to Chemical Utopia is Making Lab Rats of Us All

Pick Your Poison: How Our Mad Dash to Chemical Utopia is Making Lab Rats of Us All

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Pick Your Poison: How Our Mad Dash to Chemical Utopia is Making Lab Rats of Us All

How the chemicals in everyday products are killing us - and what the government is not doing about it...

Did you know that "nontoxic" usually means "never tested"? Or that many green cleaners are good for the environment but terrible for you? Chemist and activist Monona Rossol goes from under your sink to the halls of the powerful, tracing Americas love affair with chemicals that kill, explaining how much worse the problem has gotten in the last decade. Shocking and appalling and completely reckless - thats how she describes the current prevalence of harmful chemicals in our everyday lives.

Scientists have started linking our increased rates of cancer, autism, obesity, and asthma (among others) to chemical exposure and Rossol points the finger directly at the companies and executives making millions of dollars by polluting our environment and introducing toxic chemicals into our bodies. She chronicles how everyday toxins get into our bodies and accumulate over time and provides us with inspiration to make changes at the checkout lines.

She also explains that Americans are not nearly as well protected by our government as we might think we are. Unlike the European Union, the United States allows chemical companies to produce toxins for use in U.S. consumer products with little to no oversight.

While her tone is wry and entertaining, shes also well informed, and her fact-filled treatise makes for absolutely terrifying reading.

If youre alarmed by the health risks of the many hazardous chemicals we encounter at home, work, and school, dont get frightened, get informed. Read Pick Your Poison to learn the facts and find out what you can do about the daily onslaught of toxins that are making lab rats of us all.

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 8 hours and 32 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Turner Publishing Company

Audible.com Release Date: August 3, 2012

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English

ASIN: B008S92IW8

Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

Monona Rossol makes a lot of good points that most consumers need to know. Everything is a chemical, so it makes no sense to use the term "chemical" to mean something man-made. She points out that most natural materials are toxic, carcinogenic or irritating, and that chemically there is no difference between them and the synthetic versions. (Synthesized chemicals, in fact, are often purer than naturally-derived ones, and better characterized, so we know how much, and what, impurities they contain.) She also gives clear and mostly accurate explanations as to what different chemical classes do that makes them toxic - i.e., how the toxicity works - in ways clear to the layman.But there are some serious downsides.She uses the term "chemical" in exactly the way everyone does, as if any chemical were necessarily something bad. She strongly advocates consulting MSDSs, even though, as she very rightly points out, most of them are unintelligible, even to chemists. On MSDSs, manufacturers often try to hide the actual chemical nature of their products behind trade names that give no clue to their real identity, and overstate the hazards to cover their asses, which obscures the real relative hazards by tending to equate them all. When everything is hazardous, nothing is hazardous. As she says, you can die from drinking too much water.She correctly points out that industrial chemicals are being found more and more in our bodies (which they are, of course, because our detection methods get more and more sensitive) and suggests that this bodes ill for us. Yet during the same time these chemicals have been getting detected, our lifespans have increased by 30%. Obviously, there is something wrong with her argument, and it is that she has totally ignored the benefit part of the risk/benefit ratio. This is just what sensationalists always do.She appears to support the Precautionary Principle, which is one of the most dangerous ideas ever propounded. It says that everything should be assumed dangerous, and tested for chronic toxicity and carcinogenicity before being used. It takes decades to determine these things, and in the meantime, all the possible benefits are being lost, and money is being spent like water. She ridicules some testing industry suggested that OSHA should do because it is impractical, but she expects industry to do it, even though the US government works on a budget of trillions while industry works on only billions. If we wait to test everything for twenty years before we use it, we will halt technological advance in its tracks, which would be catastrophic. If Columbus had followed the Precautionary Principle, we would still be living in Europe. Or trees.She has made the same mistake she complains of in the MSDSs: by rating everything dangerous she makes all risks look equal, and by ignoring benefits she makes nothing look good. This is not objective at all.

Excellent book by a real authority on the topic. Deep well of knowledge...

I've read many books about chemicals in products because I'm concerned about environment and our health. I found new information in this book. For example, did you know that citrus oil (which I like to add in my homemade cleaning spray) can actually be toxic because citrus oil react with ozone air pollutant. Cleaning with citrus or pine oil "increase formaldehyde levels in your home". Wow... no wonder, my cat hates when I use spray with citrus oil in the house.I also like how Monona points out that art materials are toxic. I like that she stated again that there is no safe carcinogen level. So every time I look up a product on ewg.com and see that it has even a little cancer concern I reconsider purchasing the product, because thinking "oh, well, it's a very little concern, so we'll be fine" is not ok. "It takes only a single molecule of a carcinogen in the right person, in the right place in a cell, to change the cell's genetic blueprint (DNA) and reprogram it as a cancer cell."I also had no idea that some of the products on the market that are labeled "all natural", "nontoxic" or "hyper allergenic" could be a scam! "Nontoxic" may mean "no IMMEDIATE hazard", but it doesn't mean it's actually safe or not toxic. "Hyper allergenic" is when there is no enough evidence and study to call it allergy-causing, so doesn't really mean YOU won't develop allergy.There is much more crazy thing out there. Great book! Read it, it won't hurt to educate yourself when it comes to our health and life.But i didn't like that she is trying to convince us you can't detoxify yourself. Maybe the author should do more research about this topic... Our body, every cell renew itself. Of course, you can detox your body!

Unlike a lot of books on the state of our health and the toxics we are exposed to, this is written by a chemist. Very accessible and down to Earth, she describes the chemistry behind the problems, not just that they are bad. Very readable and disturbing. Those of you who think the government is out there checking every last thing in your food and everything else are in for a shock. Close to none of the thousands of chemicals are regulated or tested. The companies that make them declare them safe and government "experts" who once worked for industry sign off on them. Many are starting to get it and take their health in their own hands. Like the author wrote, virtually all big changes started in the people's hands, not from the government. See also The Hundred-Year Lie,Eat This And Live,Green Barbarians &Fast Food Nation.

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Pick Your Poison: How Our Mad Dash to Chemical Utopia is Making Lab Rats of Us All
